A look behind the scenes

Our production

Wir produzieren ausschließlich in Österreich und Deutschland. Bereits vor vielen Jahren haben wir uns dazu entschieden, in einer Werkstatt für behinderte Menschen in Tirol unsere Getreidemühlen und Flocker herstellen zu lassen. Das passt nicht nur zur Firmenphilosophie, sondern gibt inzwischen rund 70 Menschen mit Behinderungen die Möglichkeit, in einer angenehmen Umgebung zu arbeiten. Jede Tätigkeit ist natürlich ganz speziell auf die Fähigkeiten der jeweiligen Mitarbeiter abgestimmt. Diese sind mit großer Begeisterung dabei, das sehen wir auch beim Ergebnis: Es gibt kaum Ausschuss bei der Produktion, weil die Geräte mit ganz viel Engagement und Freude gefertigt werden. Das gefällt uns besser, als in Fernost zu Billigpreisen – und den entsprechenden Arbeitsbedingungen – fertigen zu lassen.

For example, our Fidibus XL ...

Beautiful design

We love good design! Our devices are so popular also because they just look really nice, the Fidibus XL is no exception!

Top materials

Our materials are always absolutely high-quality and sustainable. For example, the beech wood for the Fidibus XL comes from the Vienna Forest and is PEFC certified.

Fair produced

The Fidibus XL is manufactured in a sheltered workshop in Tyrol – with the highest quality materials and a lot of love.

12-year warranty

We are so convinced of the quality and longevity of our Fidibus XL that we give a 12-year warranty. This is unique!

Fair manufacturing

Fair is better.

We could produce much more cheaply if we moved our production to one of the low-cost wage countries in Asia. That would mean for us: Higher profit margins. Sure, that would be nice…but… But not at the expense of others who would assemble our equipment for very little money. But this contradicts our company philosophy: Everyone involved in the process should be treated fairly, from the supplier to the people who build our products with a lot of passion to those who sell them to the customers in their stores and online shops.

We produce in a workshop for disabled people in Tyrol. There, people with disabilities of various kinds are given the opportunity to work – which is very closely seen to suit them. The result: Satisfied employees and really perfect equipment.

So why would we do this differently?

Eco-friendly Production

Our environment is important to us!

We also make sure that they are as environmentally friendly and sustainable as possible when it comes to the materials used. This starts with the wood used. We source only such wood, which comes from sustainable forestry. We only process PEFC-certified wood. PEFC is the largest institution to ensure and market sustainable forest management through an independent certification system.

We also work – wherever possible – with regional suppliers. Other transport routes means high CO2 emissions. Again, we could get everything cheaper if we shop in the Far East. But it is more important to us that we also help to strengthen our regional economy. By the way, we encourage our suppliers to use as little packaging as possible when they supply us with their parts.

We also make sure that flyers etc. are produced as sustainably as possible. How could we not care about our environment?

Check out these videos:


High quality – Everything else is not KoMo

Something else that is self-evident to us: An extremely high quality. We also don’t want to annoy ourselves about bad products that break in the shortest possible time. Our devices should give you pleasure for a long time. That’s why we don’t just give a 3-year warranty on most devices, but 12! This is likely to be quite unique.

Isn’t that stupid from an economic point of view? That may be, but we have a different approach here. We are happy when you enjoy your grain mill, flake or blender so much that you tell friends and acquaintances about it.

Because good quality and longevity are a matter of course for us, we make sure that even with the smallest components, they meet our requirements. That pays off.