Fidibus Classic Black Walnut 360 WATT – Limited Edition


Full steam ahead! Our classic in a with a revolutionary grinder design that ensures the smooth interaction of forces and a pleasantly smooth running. The motor is mounted in natural rubber, which makes the grain mill nice and quiet. black walnut wood and self-sharpening grinding stones. This mill gives the right power to grind hard grains such as wheat, legumes and coffee beans. Uncompromisingly good.

360 Watt Electric Motor
100 grams per minute output
1000 gram Hopper
85mm self sharpening corundum in ceramic Grinding Stones
Solid Austrian walnut wood
Volume 60db
12 Year Warranty

Factory Back-Order delivery 6-8 weeks

In Stock


Getreidemühle Fidibus Classic Schwarznuss - Limitiert!

Unsere Fidibus Classic ist, wie der Name schon sagt, ein echter Klassiker! in dieser limitierten Ausführung, produziert aus schönsten Schwarznuss-Holz, sorgt sie zusätzlich für großes Aufsehen. Einzigartig und zeitlos schön.

Full steam ahead! Our classic in a limited edition with a revolutionary grinder design that ensures the smooth interaction of forces and a pleasantly smooth running. Solid black walnut wood on the outside with classic wooden tenons and self-sharpening grinding stones made of corundum ceramic and a powerful 360 watt industrial motor on the inside. This motor gives the right power to grind hard grains such as corn, legumes and coffee beans. The hopper holds a full kilo of grist and effortlessly turns it into 100 g of fine flour per minute. That is uncompromisingly good.

With this mill you can experiment with new types of flour for delicious recipes – today the millet patties and tomorrow gluten-free brownies with rice flour – your imagination is the limit. Turning the funnel is enough to set the desired fineness. You can open the grinder in no time and without any tools. As with all KoMo mills. Just awesome!

The domestic wood used for the Classic comes from sustainable, ecological forestry. The beautiful solid wood housing of the Fidibus Classic grain mill (naturally treated with vegetable oils) is handcrafted by good carpenters. An indestructible 360 watt industrial motor works in the Classic housing, driving the self-sharpening corundum ceramic grinding stones. 

Replaceable grinder

With the 360 watt interchangeable grinder you can convert your FIDIBUS CLASSIC into a spice grinder or coffee grinder in a flash, or you can prepare purely gluten-free varieties. A valuable option, especially for family members with gluten intolerance!

The most important facts at a glance:

  • 360 watts, grinds 100 grams of wheat per minute with a coarser setting
  • Funnel capacity: 1000 g (wheat)
  • Grinder Stones: corundum/ceramic continuously adjustable
  • Fineness of grinding < 0.3 mm, measured with: > Air jet sieve method: at least 90% > Shaking sieve method: at least 85%
  • Maintenance-free and extremely powerful industrial motor
  • Housing:
    > Solid black walnut, treated with natural vegetable oils, wooden
    spigot > Funnel, lid, spout: Solid black walnut, treated with natural vegetable oils
  • Grinding chamber made of food-safe plastic (BPA-free)
  • Volume at “fine”: approx. 6 0db
  • Cable Length: 1.5m
  • Weight: 8kg
  • Height/Width/Depth: 33cm/16cm/21.3cm
  • Height for bowl: 12.3 cm
  • On request gluten-free ground free of charge
  • Perfect for a household size of 3-5 people
  • 12 year warranty

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Weizen | Dinkel | Roggen | Kamut | Emmer | Einkorn | Gerste | Grünkern | Hafer (nur geschrotet, nicht fein gemahlen)


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Hirse, Mais, Buchweizen, Braunhirse, Quinoa( Pseudogetreide), Amaranth (nicht auf feinster Stufe), Mais, Reis (Naturreis), Hagebuttenkerne


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Pfeffer, Chilischoten, Senfkörner, Kümmel, Fenchel, Koriander, Kardamon geschält, Nelken, Rosmarin, Thymian, Liebstöckel


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Bohnen, Erbsen, Linsen, Kichererbsen, Sojabohnen, Lupinen


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als geröstete Bohnen. Hinweis: Geschmacksübertragung auf die Mahlsteine – Wechselmahlwerk empfohlen!

Additional information

Weight 12 kg
Dimensions 33 × 33 × 52 cm

3-5 Personen


360 Watt

Mahlleistung bei Weizen

ca. 100 g/min

Trichterfüllmenge Getreidemühle (Weizen)

ca. 1000 g

Durchmesser Mahlsteine (Korund-Keramik)

85 mm

Lautstärke bei Dinkel fein

ca. 70 db

Größe (H/B/T in cm)

33 x 16 x 21,3


Mühle mit Deckel


12 Jahre